
Inspired by the Young Bars of Belgium and France, 18 young lawyers founded a new association: The Young Bar Association of Montreal (YBAM). Their aim was to introduce a youthful spirit to an organization already in its fifties, the Bar of Montreal. The YBAM thus became the first association of young lawyers in North America.
These lawyers were: Pierre Beullac, Edouard Fabre-Surveyer, Percy C. Ryan, Louis J. Loranger, Paul St-Germain, N.K. Laflamme, Casimir Dessaules, Frank J. Laverty, Alphonse Décary, William E. Mount, Alfred Mackay, Robert Taschereau, Robert D. Pelletier, Robert D. Proulx, Paul St-Germain. Mount, Alfred Mackay, Robert Taschereau, E.A. Primeau, Alex R. Hall, L.J.S Morin, L.A. Rivet, J.O. Fournier and Victor E. Mitchell.
With over 6,000 members, the JBM is the world's largest association of young lawyers in terms of numbers in a single city.
The YBM's past presidents
2022-23 Alexandra Paquette
2021-22 Mathieu Jacques
2020-21 Mylène Lemieux
2019-20 Sabine Uwitonze
2018-19 Jonathan Pierre-Étienne
2017-18 Sophia M. Rossi
2016-17 Extra Junior Laguerre
2015-16 Caroline Larouche
2014-15 Paul-Matthieu Grondin
2013-14 Andréanne Malacket
2012-13 Marie Cousineau
2011-12 Frédérick Carle
2010-11 Joséane Chrétien
2009-10 Antoine Aylwin
2008-09 Philippe-André Tessier
2007-08 Mathieu Piché-Messier
2006-07 Nicolette Kost De Sèvres
2005-06 Pascale Pageau
2004-05 Vincent Thibeault
2003-04 Magali Fournier
2002-03 Caroline Champagne
2001-02 Caroline Ferland
2000-01 Chantal Chatelain
1999-00 Philippe J. Laurin
1998-99 Ariane Charbonneau
1997-98 Nicolas Plourde
1996-97 Stéphane Lemay
1995-96 Yves St-Arnaud
1994-95 Claude Marseille
1993-94 François D. Ramsay
1992-93 Bernard Boucher
1991-92 Bernard Amyot
1990-91 David Collier
1989-90 Jean St-Onge
1988-89 Stéphane Rivard
1987-88 Isabelle Parizeau
1986-87 Virgile Buffoni
1985-86 Bernard Montigny
1984-85 Monica Maynard
1983-84 Simon V. Potter
1982-83 Harold M. White
1981-82 Bernard Corbeil
1980-81 François Rolland
1979-80 Michel LaRoche
1978-79 Pierre Poirier
1977-78 Paul Leblanc
1976-77 Marc Rochefort
1975-76 Pierre Jasmin
1974-75 André Laurin
1973-74 Pierre Fournier
1972-73 James O'Reilly
1971-72 Ronald Montcalm
1970-71 Jean Bazin
1969-70 David Angus
1968-69 Claude Fontaine
1967-68 Jacques Brien
1966-67 Derek Hanson
1965-66 L. Yves Fortier
1964-65 Jules O. Duchesneau
1963-64 Melvin L. Rothman
1962-63 Claire Barrette
1961-62 Claude Joncas
1960-61 John N. Turner
1959-60 Charles D. Gonthier
1958-59 Philippe Casgrain
1957-58 Charles A. Phelan
1956-57 Jérôme Choquette
1955-56 Emile Colas
1954-55 J.H. Porteous
1953-54 Anthime Bergeron
1952-53 Jacques Leduc
1951-52 Alan B. Gold
1950-51 Jean-Paul Cardinal
1949-50 Gabriel Marchand
1948-49 John A. Nolan
1947-48 Marc-André Blain
1946-47 François Auclair
1945-46 J. Brendan O'Connor
1944-45 Marcel Pinard
1943-44 Marcel Lafontaine
1942-43 Luke McDougall
1941-42 Roland Filion
1940-41 I.-J. Deslauriers
1939-40 T.P. Howard
1938-39 John Bumbray
1937-38 Gaston Archambault
1936-37 Gérald Almond
1935-36 Paul-E. Lafontaine
1934-35 F.R. Hannen
1933-34 Gérard Lemire
1932-33 Hugh O'Donnell
1931-32 Philippe Lamarre
1930-31 Erskine Buchanan
1929-30 Rodolphe Bernard
1928-29 John D. Kearney
1927-28 Edouard Tellier
1926-27 W.C. Nicholson
1925-26 Pierre-A. Badeaux
1924-25 Ralph E. Allan
1923-24 Ernest Bertrand
1922-23 W.B. Scott
1921-22 Auguste Angers
1920-21 H.R. Mulvena
1919-20 Amédée Monet
1918-19 G.G. Hyde
1917-18 T. Emilien Gadbois
1916-17 J.T. Hackett
1915-16 R. Genest
1914-15 E.L. Mc Dougall
1913-14 L.A. David
1912-13 M.A. Phelan
1911-12 Arthur Vallée
1910-11 Arnold Wainwright
1909-10 Léon Garneau
1907-09 Henry J. Elliott
1907-08 Edmond Brossard
1906-07 F.J. Laverty
1905-06 Casimir Dessaulles
1904-05 Edouard F. Surveyer
1903-04 A. Rives Hall
1902-03 Louis J. Loranger
1900-02 P.C. Ryan
1898-00 Pierre Beullac