
The Young Bar of Montreal reacts to the government's final offer to reform legal aid rates in Quebec
Montreal, February 19, 2024 - The Young Bar Association of Montreal (hereinafter " the JBM ") expresses its profound deception of the Quebec government's inflexible approach to legal aid tariff reform. Despite the sustained efforts of the Comité indépendant sur les tarifs d'aide juridique(CITAJ) to reach a consensus, the government persists in its refusal to implénecessary changes to guarantee access to justice for all Quebecers. The latest government proposal, described as final, was unanimously rejected by CITAJ members. The proposal is deemed inadequate and jeopardizes access to justice for the most vulnerable citizens who depend on legal aid. It should be remembered that the social cost of a person who is not adequately represented by a lawyer is higher.
The JBM recalls the mandate entrusted to CITAJ by the Minister of Justice in 2022, as well as numerous recommendations made to reform the legal aid tariff structure. These recommendations to improve access to justice within a reasonable timeframe include remuneration for lawyers in private practice and protection for articling students.
The JBM supports the CITAJ in its rejection of the government's proposal, pointing in particular to the incomplete analysis of tariffs, unsatisfactory indexations and an unacceptable proposal for a pilot project for articling students. The JBM also stresses the urgency and necessity of resuming negotiations. It urges the government to collaborate with CITAJ for the good of access to justice in Quebec.
About the JBM
Founded in 1898, the JBM brings together lawyers practicing in Montreal for ten years or less. With over 6,000 members, the JBM represents one-third of the lawyers called to the Montreal Bar. This makes it one of the largest associations of young lawyers in the world, in terms of numbers for a single city. Its mission is twofold. On the one hand, it defends and promotes the interests of its members. On the other, it provides legal information to the public on a pro bono basis, and offers a number of services to help Quebecers gain access to justice. To find out more about our commitments to the public, visit the Services to the public section of our website:
Information and interviews :
Christina Solodukhin | 514 954-6936 | [email protected] |
Communications and Public Relations Manager
Young Bar Association of Montreal