Legal information service at Montreal Municipal Court
You've received a traffic ticket and don't know what to do next?
You've received a summons from the Municipal Court for a criminal or penal hearing?
You'd like to know the nature of the offence you've been charged with?
The Young Bar of Montreal (YBM), the Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal (AADM), the Bar of Montreal, Pro Bono Québec and the Montreal's municipal court have launched a pro bono legal information service at the Montreal's municipal court, the SIJ, to improve access to justice and the administration of justice.
What is the SIJ?
The aim of this project is to provide ad hoc assistance to unrepresented litigants before the Montréal's Municipal Court, in high-impact criminal or penal cases (e.g. hit-and-run offences, speeding tickets, etc.).
Consultations take place in the morning, Monday to Friday, from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in room 1.310 of the Municipal Court.
Depending on what the judge feels needs to be clarified, the information given can cover a wide range of subjects:
- The nature of the charge;
- Explanation of the judicial process;
- The consequences of a guilty plea;
- etc.